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Simply Stories Podcast

Apr 23, 2020

It's a really fun day over on the podcast because the fabulous Lori Beth Auldridge is on! Lori Beth is a podcaster and blogger who started her life on the mainland, but now resides on the beautiful island of Maui in Hawaii with her family and baby goats! Lori Beth is passionate about connecting Mommas and engaging motherhood from the heart of sisterhood. We talk about where this heart comes from, how we are attempting to navigate this crazy world of covid19 and walk through big feelings and confusion with our children, and how to process not just the “what ifs, but the what is.” I am so grateful for Lori Beth’s willingness to share her story of growing in her faith, how we face and process fear, and choose to be the light during the times that just feel so dang dark. 

Motherhood can create bonds of shared experiences through the power of storytelling and bearing with one another in love. Or by choosing to live in silence and isolation, it can choke out the potential beauty of even the hardest parenting day and steal our joy and our potential connection with others because of assumption and comparison. Lori Beth and I talk about the importance of coming to the table with our full selves, authentically, and with open hearts as we live in the motherhood community, and I hope it is an encouragement to you. She does such a beautiful job in the Ya-Ya Mamas world and on the Elevating Motherhood podcast of asking the hard questions, but making space for Mothers in all seasons to process from their unique perspective. Be sure you are following Lori Beth and check out her podcast as well as her blog for a great source of encouragement and a wide range of topics on living this crazy Momma life.

There also happens to be a very cute special guest appearance in the first few minutes of the podcast. ;)


-the island of Maui

-“opt outers”

-YMCA before and after school program

-Marriott Maui

-Ya Ya Mamas

-Elevating Motherhood

-ABLE : “Be the Light” necklace

-Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

-Right Now Media

-Trillia Newbell

-Indigenous Birthworker Movement

-De-colonizing your cuisine

-Elevation Church

-Hillsong Church

-“The Blessing” - Elevation Worship

-“Graves into Gardens”- Elevation Worship

- Article on “do not fear” being said more than any other command in scripture

Scripture References:

-Matthew 22:37: love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul

-Numbers 23:19- There are no human motives attached to the heart of God

God is the sustainer of all creation

Romans 1:19- He makes himself known in creation

Psalm 19:1-6- The heaven declares the glory of God

-Colossians 1:17- He is before all things and holds all things together

- 1 Peter 1:3-5- We can have hope in Him

-Deuteronomy 7:9- May his favor be upon a thousand generations

-Hebrews 4:16- boldly approach the throne of grace

-Matthew 26:36-46-Garden of Gethsemane

-Isaiah 43:1- Do not fear

-Isaiah 43:2- When you pass through the waters

-John 1:5- The light cannot be overcome by the dark

-Luke 6:45- Out of the mouth the heart speaks

-Ephesians 5:14- Wake up o sleeper

-Genesis 9 -Rainbow of God’s promises

Matthew 14:23-33- Jesus walks on the water

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