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Simply Stories Podcast

Dec 3, 2021

Today, I’m chatting with Allison Hottinger and Lisa Kalberer who are the two sisters that created the Giving Manger. The giving manger is an Advent activity for anyone who is looking for a way to connect kindness, generosity and giving with Christmas and the Gospel, and creates space for people young and old to intentionally experience the beauty and the gift of serving one another right where they are. We’ll unpack the heart of where this idea came from, how it works, and how it has impacted their lives all throughout this episode. 

It’s been really interesting as the Lord has laid out this semester of the podcast, to see the consistent themes that come up. Simple kindness serving as a way to share Jesus with the world, breathe hope into the dark places around us, and to breed much needed compassion in all of our hearts keeps coming up again and again and again. So what does it look like to see Emmanuel, God with us in these days? I think kindness, acts of service, and intentionally teaching them to the little people in our lives is a really really good place to start. I don’t want this to be something that wears you out even more this Christmas season. I’m praying that this lands on a discerning spirit for what’s best for you and your home, but its never a bad time to intentionally practice loving like Jesus. It doesn’t have to be Pinterest perfect, or instagrammable, just... start small. This is an invitation to encounter God by emulating His heart right where you are. I think it will breathe life into your weariness more than you could ever realize. I’m right there with you, friend. Remember, Christ came down to be with you as you are, where you are. You matter, and your story matters. 

Connecting with Allison and Lisa and the Giving Manger:




Episode Sponsor: Tony Crabtree of Crabtree Homes with Exit Realty 

Home buyer guide:

Seller guide:







Ann Voskamp’s Advent book, Unwrapping the Greatest Gift

Kindness prompts from GM

Dorena Williamson (our episodes, Part 1 and 2, tune in next week for volume 3!)

Becky Keife’s episode and her book The Simple Difference

Service Project Opportunities from the Giving Manger website


Scripture References:

Matthew 1:18-24, Matthew 2, Luke 1-2-  The Nativity story 

Matthew 2:11- The wise men brought gifts to Jesus 

Matthew 25:40 - what you’ve done to the least of these, you’ve done to Me

John 16:33- In this world you will have trouble 

Psalm 139:23-24- Search me and know my heart 

Galatians 5:22-23- Fruit of the Spirit

Acts 20:35- The joy of giving over receiving 

Lamentations 3:22, Hebrews 13:8- God’s love never changes

Mark 12:41-44-The woman giving her only coin in the Temple

Connecting with Emily and Simply Stories Podcast:
Instagram (Em life // Podcast Life)

*Intro and Outro music is from