Sep 17, 2020
On today’s episode, I have the absolute pleasure of hosting the incredibly wise Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith. Dr. Saundra is an internal medicine physician, an author, and a speaker who specializes in the mind, body, spirit connection. Her most recent book, 'Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity', is an incredible resource that shares various perspectives on the 7 types of rest we need and how rest deficits affect the whole functioning person. It's a hearty dose of cool science and how God made us, with beautiful spiritual application.
This episode feels so timely, because if there is one word I have heard come out of the mouths of people I love lately it is this: “I am so weary.” Is that you? Do you feel emotionally, spiritually or emotionally weary? Maybe even fighting off the burn out? Dr. Saundra and I talk about how we (especially as women) struggle with this area so much because of how much we wrestle with control, and she gifts us some practical ways to assess and deal with restoring your fullest self so you can live in the abundant life of Christ.
No matter how weary you are, friend, you can find rest for your soul in Jesus. Whether that’s the weariness of isolation, or being hustled by the hustle, and everything in between, God cares about you, mind, body, heart, and spirit. If we don’t address these things and ask Him to show us where we have depleted our resources and need sacred rest, then how can we engage the work we were made for? Take it a little bit at a time, friend. Dr. Saundra is testifying where God intervened in her story, and is sharing what He showed her with you. There are great resources here, friends, to press into this area. It matters because you matter. Your story matters.
I want to ask you guys for some grace on the front end because we struggled with some sound issues in this episode. It was nuts, the internet would not do its thing, and it only happened when she and I were trying to talk. Not today, Satan, not. Today. We have persevered, and I cannot wait for y’all to hear this conversation.
Resources and References:
-His Kids Company alphabet place mat
-sermon from my church (Fellowship Bible Church) on 9/13 about how we will face trials, but God is faithful
-Sing! Conference with Keith and Kristyn Getty
Scripture References:
Luke 10:27 -love the Lord your God
2 Corinthians 10:5-taking your thought captive
Colossians 1:16, 1:17/ Ephesians 1:11-God is sovereign (here is an article with more scriptures and insights)
Joshua 1:8/ Psalm 119:78-meditating on God’s word
Matthew 17 -the transfiguration
John 15-Jesus had the 12 disciples as close friends (more thoughts on that)
Luke 5:16-Jesus gets away to be with the Father
John 15:5-abiding
John 6:29 / John 13:1 -Jesus is trustworthy (more thoughts on that) - I especially love the AMP of John 6:29
Isaiah 30:15- quietness is your strength
Psalm 37:4 -Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart
Psalm 112:7-hearts steadfast trusting in Him
John 16:33 -in this world you will have trouble
Isaiah 53:3 -Jesus was a man of sorrows
Acts 10-Peter’s revelation about human beings different than him
Acts 12:1-2-Herod executes James
Acts 12:1-19 -Peter’s kidnapping and miraculous escape
John 10:10-abundant life
Job 35:16 -cannot pour out of emptiness
Psalm 16:11 / John 7:37-38 -living out of the overflow of the Spirit
John 10:10- Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 / John 14:16-Jesus as a comforter
Mark 10:13-16-Children came to Him
John 8:1-11/ John 4 / Luke 7:36-50 / -nameless women who came to Him (interesting reading about the woman with the issue of blood and the 3 Gospel accounts that tell her story)
John 14 / Acts 1:1-11 / Acts 2 -Jesus ascended and sent His Holy Spirit
Malachi 3:6 / Psalm 102:27 / Isaiah 4:28 / Psalm 18:31 / Hebrews 6:13-20 / Hebrews 13:8 -God cannot change (For more on this, this is a great article from Blue Letter Bible and also Jen Wilkin’s book None Like Him: 10 Reasons Why God is Different Than Us (and why that’s a good thing). Chapter 6 is power packed about immutability (the word that means “unchanging over time or unable to be changed”)
Matthew 10:31 / 2 Corinthians 3:18 /Psalm 139:14 / Psalm 45:11-I don’t have to prove my worth
Romans 5:8 -my worth was solidified on the cross
The Process Dr. Saundra leads you through in her book about each type of rest:
R- Recognize your current risk
E- Evaluate your position
S-Science and the research related to the type of rest needed
T- Today’s application
Connecting with Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith
Connecting with Emily and Simply Stories
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*Intro and outro music by music by