Aug 5, 2021
Hi friends! I’m so excited to be back with you for season THREE of the podcast! I cannot believe we are 2 years and 3 seasons in, but man the Lord is wild, isn’t He? To start off this season, we have the absolutely wonderful and wildly talented Randall Goodgame. Mr. Randall is a little bit of a celebrity around my house because of how much my children love his music and his show, “Slugs and Bugs”. If you’ve never heard of it, the show itself is a lot like a Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood type environment where Mr. Randall and his real life friends and family, Andrew Peterson, Dr. Russell Moore, Scott Hamilton, Ellie Holcomb, Sissy Goff, Dorena Williamson and many, many more visit him and his puppet friends, the slugs and bugs at their workshop where they learn life lessons, talk about the mysteries of the Gospel, and how God can make Himself known in any of it as we all grow up together. The songs they share on the show and from the albums are saturated in God’s Word which makes scripture memorization so accessible even for the youngest of children, as well as ways to help talk about hard and big topics happening in the world, mixed in with a whole lot of silliness too.
In our conversation today, we get to hear about how Randall’s struggle to engage conversations about the Gospel with his own children birthed in him a pursuit to use humor, story and song to engage them, and ultimately engage His own heart about these important things because it's worth the work. This conversation isn’t just for parents or people with kids in their lives, we talk about how people who do not have kids in their lives can still impact those around them, and encourage ALL of us to press into the truth of Christ as we navigate hard things.
When I was praying and thinking about how to start this season off, it just kept coming to me how important it was to engage the future of the Kingdom of God. I feel like there are so many of us that feel like we have to just get through the young years of kids, whether in passing in other environments or in our own homes, and then when they’re older we can attempt to navigate big things with them. But the truth is, our kids haven’t been hidden from big things. Life happens to them, just like it does to us. This pandemic has happened to them, as it's happening to us. Not to mention, how we engage our own hearts, pours out onto those we encounter and so it just felt so important to me, especially for the many kids that are getting ready to go back to school, to talk about these things, and present people and ideas to our simply stories family so that we might feel more equipped to press in where it feels awkward or hard. When we can break that down to a child’s level, you might be surprised how much that impacts how you interact with adults as well.
Jesus said to come to Him with faith like a child. Whether there are children in your life or not, you are HIS child. For those who have said yes to Jesus, you are a son or a daughter of the Most High God. You are perfectly and wonderfully made to display His creativity, and His love to the world. No matter where you’ve been, or what you’re going through now, that gift to you cannot be taken away. What might it be like to ask your heart how to approach the Lord, let alone your neighbors like a child? I think that’s probably going to provide a unique answer for everyone, but I think it's an interesting question to contemplate. You have a good Father who loves to engage with you. Even if it feels like there is nothing delightful in your life, He wants to hear about it. Maybe start right there. It matters to Him because your story matters to Him. You matter.
“Catapultanaugahikawallawallarickitikianapoodloodlakastanvilletown” song
“Fruits of the Spirit” - Slugs and Bugs
Slugs and Bugs Lullabies album
Mr. Andrew with the Christmas songs we like is his “Behold the Lamb of God” album
“Operation No More Tears” - Sally Lloyd Jones
“Tell it to Jesus”- Slugs and Bugs
Sissy Goff’s books Raising Worry Free Girls and Braver, Stronger, Smarter
Dorena Williamson’s episode of “Slugs and Bugs”
Dorena’s 2 episodes with us, Part 1 and Part 2
Dorena’s books: Colorfull, Thoughtfull, and Gracefull
“Under Where” from “Slugs and Bugs”
“Ninja”- from “Slugs and Bugs”
“Sweet Baby Boy” from “Slugs and Bugs”
“Bring Me A Heifer”- from “Sing the Bible Volume 4” from Slugs and Bugs
The WingFeather Saga by Andrew Peterson
“Bears Have No Cares” - Slugs and Bugs
“Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” - Mary Poppins
Dragon Girl : The Secret Valley
Narwhal Unicorn of the Sea Series
“Star Wars” (mostly “Jedi Academy” comics at our house currently)
Scripture References:
Galatians 5:22-23-Fruits of the Spirit
2 Chronicles 20:12- We don’t know what to do, but our eyes on You
He wants to help us be like Him (a list of verses!)
1 Thessalonians 5:10- He came so that we could live life with Him
Scripture tells us how we are to be to each other (a list of verses!)
Psalm 139:14- We are uniquely and wonderfully made
Ephesians 4- We are called to live in unity
Galatians 6:2- We are called to bear one another’s burdens
Matthew 16:24-26- Pick up a cross and follow Him
Micah 6:8- Walk humbly
Matthew 20:16- The first shall be last
Philippians 2:3-Value others above yourselves
John 10:10 / John 14:6- The Gospel is the way to life
Matthew 18:3/Matthew 19:14 /Mark 10:13-16/ Luke 18:17/ Romans 8:16-18, Galatians 4:6-10, 1 John 3:1- Children are the picture of how the Lord sees us (this is a whole other thought to flesh out some time. So much of the Old Testament uses this verbiage about being God’s children, His sheep, His prized possession like a Father. Here’s an article where TGC discusses God the Father a bit)
Philippians 1:6- The Lord isn’t finished with any of us
1 Corinthians 6:12- I am free to do anything, but I must not become a slave to anything
Hebrews 12:1-3- Removing stumbling blocks
Psalm 139:23-Search me and know me
Psalm 16:6- The boundary lines fall for me in pleasant places
John 2:1-11- Water into wine
Genesis 15:9- The story of bring me a heifer and Abram’s promise
Connecting with Randall:
Watch Slugs and Bugs Season 1 and/or Season 2 on Amazon Prime