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Simply Stories Podcast

Jan 23, 2020

Today’s episode is with the one and only Laura Frantz. Laura is a seasoned and beloved Christian Fiction author who just released her 11th book, An Uncommon Woman. This book is a beautiful story filled with nuanced and challenging layers about how we process American history which has often been sanitized and whitewashed. We as God’s people, and just human beings as a whole, must be willing to dive deep and consider the layers and the hearts of the past as well as the future and Laura’s beautifully crafted story equally captivates and challenges one to do just that.

In our conversation, Laura also shares her story of God using the dreams and gifts He planted in her early in her life, and bringing them to fruition later on and what that journey of surrender has been like for her. God calls us to do His work from many seasons, each of us uniquely made and gifted to tell the story we’ve been given. Will we be willing to surrender no matter what that looks like for such a time as this?


-The Writer’s Edge

-“I squandered the writing gift God gave me”

-Billy and Ruth Graham’s story

-French and Indian War

-Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts (living history site and museum)

-”Gone with the Wind”

-The Frontiersman’s Daughter

-Foxfire books

-Fort Boonesboro

-Jemima Boone and Daniel Boone

-Smallpox blankets given to Native Americans

-Pantser vs. Plotter

-Courting Morrow Little

-Samantha Keiser (website designer- will update when receive info!)

-Peripety-- Definition // my dear friend’s blog of the same name 

-Beth Moore’s study on Esther (I LOVE this Bible Study. I think I’ve done it… 3 times now? I cannot say enough good things about it.)

Scripture References:

-Psalm 139:13-14: We are uniquely and wonderfully made

-Spiritual gifts // Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4

-Exodus 3 : Burning bush

-Ecclesiastes 12:12 : The making of a book there is no end

-Esther 4:14: For such a time as this

-Matthew 7:24-27 : Faith built on sand vs rock

-.Luke 5:17-39 : Stretcher beaters who tear the roof off to get their friend to Jesus

-Isaiah 43:16-19 : He makes a way where there is no way

-Luke 23:39-43: The thief on the cross

-Psalms 116:15 : Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints

Connecting with Laura:





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